Monday, August 2, 2010

How many pics could a pickled pepper pic? These are for Lynn

Me and Linda on Downes St...Easter Sunday, 1976.  I was just home from Air Force boot camp.  That is my '69 Firebird.

WOW, this is my FIRST perm...and then I was dumb enough to get another later in life.  What the hell was I thinking.  This was about 1980...Chris and Aaron.  We were living in Kenduskeag, ME, just west of Bangor on Outer Broadway.  This is the trailer park also where Chris Lindsey lived next door to us.

Me and Mom...circa 1996?  She came down for Chris' HS Graduation.  Oh and look there is the second dumb perm....geez...and the goggles...i mean glasses were HUGE

...and here I am entertaining my fellow motorcycle riders at a get together in 1996.  Yup thats the same perm.

Now its about 2001 and I gave up the perm but kept the guitar....

I think this was about 2000 when I went to Maine for Mom's buddy, Uncle Sonny

Linda and I dancing at the White Horse Cafe in Nashville, TN.  This was a television dance club that we went to and danced on tv....sometime in 1995 I think.  And YES, I could cut a rug...ha ha.

Linda and I at a motorcycle rally dinner.  Dang, there's that perm again!!!  This must be 1996, de ja vu....

Well thank goodness I made it to 2000 and got some normal hair...hehe

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