Sharon's Sheep
New baby lambs, a sure sign of Spring, follow their mothers down to the watering pond after a 16 inch spring snowstorm fell on the pasture.
March 23, 2013
Eastport Breakwater
A sure sign that Spring is coming soon...snow melting and stacking the picnic tables outside of Rosie's Hot Dog Stand on the Eastport Breakwater.
Aunt Lynn and Arielle on the Eastport Breakwater.
Gleason's Point
A first sign of Spring in Washington County . . . MUD! and the first blades of green grass poking through MUD!
Snow is melting fast on the coast and Arielle's favorite thing to do is to play in mud puddles. This puddle was super fun because it still had a shell of ice she could stomp on and break up.
The First Swing of Spring!
Uncle Mark pushing Arielle on the old round swing tied to the tree at Gleason's Cove while Charlie sniffs for leftovers from last year's picnics.
Red Beach
Sheer Joy!
Arielle taking in the smell of the ocean, the warm wind on her face, shells to gather, red rocks to throw and the second largest mud puddle in the world to throw the rocks into...what more could a 3 year old want?!?! Oh..a Hershey bar at the Eastport IGA. This is my favorite picture of the "Rock Beach Adventure"!
Spring Crocus
These purple crocus are the first flower that blooms at my house in the Spring.
Ice Out in a Maine Stream
Ice is nearly out and the water is starting to flow in the small stream on the Steven's Road near me.