Friday, December 23, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

St. Croix Firehouse #1 Christmas Party 2011

Arielle and Mom
Waiting for Santa

Uncle Sonny won the first wreath.

Aunt Jessie is laughing so hard.

Uncle Tom thinks the wreath looks best with her head in the center.

 I win the second wreath so now we both have wreaths.

This is the headstone spray I made for your Gram.  I made sure it had plenty of of cedar so when the snow comes the deer will have something to eat.  It doesn't show up very well but the poinsettias are red with a gold fleck through the red.  The bow is red with the gold fleck and those white things are spray painted sticks I got at the florist where I had the bow made.  They were putting them in everything they were sending out, so I just had to have them, but I think I would like it better without the white sticks. I think I will take them out when I go Christmas Eve. I forgot to tell Uncle Sonny that I had put it up on the stone.  Hope he likes it and doesn't mind that I did it.  It looks really pretty and Dad has the same only with the bright red poinsettias and a red bow like on the wreaths above.  There are three adorable deer that spend lots of time down in that area so I wanted the sprays to be eaten so I used cedar and red edible berries.  Hope they like it too!